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Yep! Short of mining the mica ourselves, everything is handmade. We also etch the bottles, print most of our own labels (shout out to Sharons UK Creations for the rest) and dip everything in wax ourselves too!

As a family of sensitive skin sufferers we feel your pain! We aim to make our products the gentlest they can be and we don’t use harsh surfactants like SLS.

If your skin is generally sensitive to harsh products or fragrances you should be good!

If you have specific sensitivities or allergens we suggest checking first. Every product has the ingredients and allergens listed on the product page or feel free to contact us if you aren’t sure.

We absolutey did, we have the most wonderful community who helped us proof read and edit it!

Special thanks to Lucy, Kirsty, Shan, Sharon, Sarah, Laura, Lauren, Susan, Bobby, Fran, Sam, Sophie, Alana, Molly, Kate and Rachel for your very kind offer and incredible feedback – you’re the absolute best!!

Yep! All of our products are vegan and cruelty-free. We also ensure all of our ingredients are also vegan, cruelty-free and ethically sourced.

Our product packaging contains no plastic and we’ll always be upfront about what we’re using and why.

You might want to check back very soon for an update on this… 😉

Probably! We’re finding our feet with bath potions, dusts and salts but have plenty of plans to expand on those ranges. If you join our newsletter you’ll be first to know when 😉

Nope! We’re based in Herefordshire. Bath in our name just refers to the type you wash yourself in.

These are a few of our most asked questions but if there’s anything you think should be on this page, feel free to enter it below and we’ll answer when we get chance – thank you!